Vroondaal Hofstedepark Apps

WhatsApp group: Vroondaal Alert

All residents of Vroondaal Hofstedepark can join this WhatsApp group at no cost. This neighbourhood prevention App helps to make the neighbourhood safer. The local residents send a message if they suspect danger in the neighbourhood and want to warn each other. These type of App groups generally result in a 30% decrease in burgglaries, an improved sense of security and a better and more direct contact with the (local) police.

WhatsApp group: Vroondaal Hofstedepark

All residents of Vroondaal Hofstedepark can join this lively WhatsApp group at no cost. This App is used for all kinds of mutual contact, to inspire each other, inform each other on what is happening etc.

WhatsApp Events

Besides the above mentioned App groups there is also a group for Events. They are used for events organised by the association, like Sinterklaas.

For smaller events in the neighbourhood residents sometimes set up a group for a specific event. These WhatsApp groups stay active for the period around the event and are closed again afterwards. Generally they are announced in the Vroondaal Hofstedepark group.