High visitors in Vroondaal-Hofstedepark

In the afternoon of November 27, Sinterklaas and his Pieten surprised us with a visit. It rained all day but when the Saint arrived in Vroondaal-Hofstedepark it was dry. The Saint was picked up in a Cabriolet because his horse had a rest day. The Sint and Pieten union had stipulated that Sinterklaas' horse is entitled to a day off at least one day a week. Sinterklaas was driven through the neighborhood with his Pieten, where children welcomed him waving. In the park on the side of the apartment building, the Events Committee had built tents and decorated them with streamers, balloons and the coloring pictures that the children from the neighborhood had made for Sinterklaas. It was a festive sight. At half past three, Sinterklaas and his Pieten arrived at the tents where the children and their parents were already waiting for them. The Sinterklaas songs were sung wholeheartedly. The sun even started to shine. Many children had their picture taken with Sinterklaas and after he had announced the winners of the coloring pages, Sinterklaas and his Pieten left for the next address, leaving everyone in a happy mood.


Invitation toast under the X-mas tree


Welcome Sinterklaas on November 27th